What Can We Do To Help Reduce the Rocky Mountain Pine Beetle Blues?

Posted by Teatulia on 10-31-2011

According to the Colorado State Forest Service, there has been an outbreak of Rocky Mountain Pine Beetles since 1996, resulting in the loss of millions of trees in the Colorado forests. The beetles tunnel into live pines such as lodgepole, ponderosa, Scotch and limber pines and lay eggs. The larvae live off the tree from fall until summer when they form into new adults and exit the tree. During this process the beetle also transmits a fungus that contaminates and ultimately kills the tree. This process leaves behind a blue-green coloration in the wood.

Recent studies show that the infestation is only spreading and many more trees will continue to be affected. Coloradans are saddened by the destruction the pine beetles have created. The degradation of our forests not only has a monumental effect on nature but also the timber industry.

Using the beetle-kill wood instead of live pine whenever possible is important for the environment as well as in supporting local business, and a great option for creating gorgeous and incredibly unique pieces, both functional or for decoration and art. I have seen this beautiful wood used in kitchens, bathrooms, offices, and more.

In keeping with our strong commitment to sustainability, we at Teatulia are now offering retailers and food service partners display racks and tea chests made from the wood of pine trees killed by the Rocky Mountain Pine Beetle. We are making use of this beautiful pine wood, streaked with blues, greens and grays, to create attractive displays while helping to clear forests of millions of dead trees to help encourage new growth.

Keep your eye out for beetle-kill pine in use around Colorado!